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Snow College Automotive Program Renews National Accreditation

Richfield, UT - January 15,2015 - The automotive training program at the Snow College Richfield campus has renewed its accreditation by NATEF and The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). The program is accredited in the following areas: Electrical/Electronics, Engine Performance, Engine Repair, Automatic Transmissions, Manual Transmissions/Drivetrains, Brakes, Steering/Suspension, and Heating/Air Conditioning. 

To achieve this coveted recognition, the school’s automotive training program underwent rigorous evaluation by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). Nationally accepted standards of excellence in areas such as instruction, facilities, and equipment. 

“This is great news for automotive-minded young people and their parents,” said Donald Seyfer, former NATEF Chair. “This program increases cooperation between local education and industry leaders, it gives added assurance that Snow College graduates will be employable entry-level technicians. As a result of the quality education provided by Snow, the motoring public will benefit since better repair technicians will join the workforce.” 

Upon completion of the evaluation, NATEF recommended that the Automotive Program also be accredited by The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), ASE is a national non-profit organization that tests and certifies repair technicians, in addition to accrediting automotive training programs. 

Brent Reese, Transportation Technology Department Chair, added, “We work very hard to keep our program up to date and viable. Every five years we are reevaluated to make certain our program meets strict NATEF and industry standards. We are very pleased to renew our accreditation with NATEF/ASE. Our students enjoy a quality education, and shop owners will be assured of getting quality applicants.” 

For more information about the Snow College Automotive Program visit